Black Friday

Would You be Foolish to Ignore Black Friday?

December 18, 20222 min read

This week will see another 'Black Friday'.

I first experienced Black Friday in 2008, years before it became mainstream in the UK.

I'd just purchased a holiday home in Florida, and decided to take a short break after the house sale had gone through.

Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November and the day after is Black Friday. I arrived the day before thanksgiving.

My relator, Vanessa, was shocked I hadn't heard of Black Friday. 'You have to go to the mall' Vanessa  told me. 'They open at 4am and the sales are incredible'.

It was a lot like our Boxing Day sales.

Fast forward a good decade, and  Black Friday is now huge in the UK.

So big that it's almost impossible as an independent retailer to get any kind of traction, so crowded is the market place - prepare for your Inbox to be full of deals this week.

To win at Black Friday you need a simple deal that stands out from the crowd.

And this week, one member of the Impact Retail Success Club has done just that.

They've created a fabulous offer that's full of creativity.

Unique almost.

It immediately got my attention.

Because it stood out from the crowd.

And thats what you need to do.

People are looking for Black Friday deals. They have money to spend.

But you need to capture their attention.

You need to be creative.

You need to be innovative.

You need to try and be unique.

I'm delighted that the member has agreed to allow me to share the idea with the rest of the members of the Impact Retail Success Club.

So, if you're a member of the Retail Success Club, look out for a fabulous 'Black Friday Nugget' coming your way tomorrow.

And finally, one for the future.

Look out for Pink Friday - it's a new one in the US for Independents to get in ahead of their big box competitors.

It falls the Friday before Black Friday.

Something to give some thought to for next year.

Have a great week.


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