
Email is Alive and Kicking...

November 05, 20231 min read

We've just completed our annual British Sausage Week Promotion.

To date, it's our busiest ever British Sausage Week.

It's an event that's been built up over the past 20 years.

And the secret to the success of this years event?

Listening to the feedback from customers visiting the shop, it was email.

The email we sent out telling them about sausage week.

Contrary to belief, email isn't dead.

In-fact, it's Alive and Kicking.

Driving customers in-store and in turn, customers spending money.

And it begs the question, how are you utilising email in your business?

Are you actively building your database?

Are you sending out weekly emails?

And, are you crafting emails that are engaging and entertaining to your customers?

Perhaps educational?

Doing the hard work that makes the selling easy.

Over the years, I've heard all the excuses for not doing it.

And I do get it.

It's hard work and we're all busy.

Much easier to ignore it - to not do it.

But heres the thing, running a successful business is hard.

It requires you to do the tings that less successful business owners won't do.

Because it's much easier to not do it.

And remember, it's the who not the how - you don't have to be the person that does it.

Email done properly can have a massive Impact on your business.

But only if you're doing it and doing it properly.

Have a great week.

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