Beware the Loch Ness Monster!

Beware the Loch Ness Monster!

September 10, 20232 min read

Last weekend, over a hundred volunteers took part in what was billed as the biggest hunt for Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, for over 50 years.

The volunteers were on hand to record any natural, and unusual sights on the Loch.

Stories of the monster have existed for centuries, but the modern day myth of the monster began about 90 years ago.

It's largely agreed, that any existence of the monster is more likely to be a giant eel.

As I was listening to the radio on Monday morning, it was reported that two unusual noises had been detected by specialised listening equipment - however the operators suddenly realised it wasn't plugged in.

Ah well.

Sadly, no other unusual noises or sightings were detected and Nessie once again remains a mystery and the myth of the story will live on.

Loch Ness Centre general manager Paul Nixon insisted it was more than just a publicity stunt - and I'm sure it was.

The story however, managed to appear on television stations, radio stations and newspapers all around the world.

Of course it did, it was a great story.

Loch Ness got millions of pounds worth of free advertising.

And it should serve as a reminder to you as a business owner, that telling stories is a great way to build your business.

Getting creative and crafting great stories about your business, is a very effective way of getting free publicity.

Crafting stories is a skill.

But it's a skill that will pay huge dividends.

I built my business on free publicity and continue to do so.

And you can do it too.

You may not have a story as big as the Loch Ness Monster, but I guarantee that you'll have stories that people would love to hear.

You need to market your business with stories.

Stories entertain your audience and attract new customers.

And you can re-purpose your stories in so many different ways: PR, social media posts, videos, blog posts, newsletter stories - the list goes on.

It's your opportunity to do the creative work that will build your business.

I've helped so many retailers tell great stories and the results are always amazing.

So, now it's over to you; what are the stories you'll be sharing with your audience this week?

How will you entertain your potential new customers?

I guarantee you that your audience awaits.

Have a great week.


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