The Seven Habits

The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Retailers

May 19, 20242 min read

I’m a huge Bastille fan, and this week I was reminded of one of my favourite tracks, ‘Of the Night’.

It’s a mashup of Snap’s 1992, transatlantic top five hit, ‘Rhythm is a Dancer’.

You may be familiar with the lyrics:

“Rhythm is a dancer,

It's a soul's companion.

You can feel it everywhere.

Lift your hands and voices.

Free your mind and join us.

You can feel it in the air.

Oh-oh, it's a passion”.

What I’ve found over the years is, that running a successful business comes down to rhythm.

The really successful businesses have created a system whereby, they rhythmically acquire new customers.

A system that markets their business.

That in turn generates ever increasing footfall for their shops.


Like the beating of a heart.

And the Rhythmic acquisition of customers, is always proceeded by rhythmic activity.

That is, marketing activity that takes place on an ongoing, regular basis - rhythmically.

Talking to one of my clients this week who owns a butcher’s shop and restaurant, it was the ‘Rhythm’ that was proving difficult for him.

Perhaps it’s the same for you?

Are you failing to rhythmically turn out your marketing content?

There are Seven marketing habits that all successful retailers must follow.

When embedded and compounded every week, these seven habits will lead you to a better business with even more customers.

Tom knows he needs to get rhythmic with these marketing habits, and perhaps you do too?

So, what’s stopping you?

Perhaps like Tom, you’re overwhelmed in the day-to-day tasks of your business.

The ‘Weeds’.

Stuck in the day-to-day tasks that prevent you from doing the all-important work, the work that will grow your business.

Stuck on the hamster wheel.

If you want a business that rhythmically generates an ongoing stream of new customers, you need to find the time to do the all-important marketing tasks.

Just to be clear, yes, I do realise there are lots of other ‘important’ tasks, that you need to get done.

But if you don’t take a small amount of time away from your day to day, the price you pay is huge.

If you can find 30 or 60 or even better, 90 minutes a day, and use it to focus on the things that will grow your business, your business will find itself in a significantly better place.

Focus on the Seven Habits of Highly Successful Retailers.

That’s what I do and that’s what Tom’s going to do too.

How about you?

Remember the wise words of wisdom from Snap and Bastille:

‘Rhythm is a dancer, oh-oh, it’s a passion’.

Have a great week.


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