Building Your Tribe

How to Build a Loyal Community That Supports Your Business

September 15, 20242 min read

Earlier this week, I attended the National Entrepreneurs Convention 2024, and it’s safe to say it was filled with inspiring moments.

But one particular speaker truly struck a chord with me—Caroline Redman Lusher, the woman behind Rock Choir.

In case you’re not familiar, Rock Choir isn’t just a choir; it’s a community.

Caroline started this back in 2005, and today, she has a nationwide network of "Rockies" - not just members, but a fiercely loyal tribe who sing (literally!) and share in the joy that Rock Choir brings.

Caroline didn’t just create a choir; she built a community.

Her “Rockies” feel a sense of belonging and purpose.

And they’re not just customers - they’re advocates who believe in the value that Rock Choir offers.

She’s built an ecosystem where everyone feels connected to something bigger, which is why her success is so impressive.

And this got me thinking about our businesses.

 About how important it is to create that same sense of community with our customers.

Whether you're running a butcher’s shop, a bakery, or an independent retail shop, building a loyal following is about more than just offering great products (although that’s important too!).

It’s about creating an experience.

A community that your customers want to keep coming back to, time and time again.

A strong community around your brand means that your customers become your greatest advocates. They’re the ones talking about your business to their friends, posting about it online, and driving referrals your way without you even having to ask.

They’re also the ones who will stick by you when times get tough - whether that’s a supply chain issue or a quiet season, your loyal customers will continue to support you.

And it doesn’t stop there.

A dedicated community helps you grow.

Engaged customers will offer feedback, share their ideas, and even provide insights that can help you evolve your business.

They become a key source of inspiration and innovation, allowing you to stay ahead of the game.

As business owners, nurturing this community takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. It’s the difference between having customers who merely shop with you and customers who genuinely care about your business.

So, here’s my question for you: what steps can you take to start building or strengthening that community in your business?

Whether it’s hosting events, sending out newsletters, introducing loyalty schemes, or simply asking for feedback - creating a community is one of the most valuable things you can do for your business’s long-term success.

At Impact Retail Training, I’ve worked with many entrepreneurs just like you, helping them build strong, loyal customer bases that go beyond just transactions.

It’s all about fostering those meaningful, lasting connections.

Time to create something your customers can sing about!

Have a great week.


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