It's Not What You Know

It’s Not What You Know, It’s What You Do: Lessons from the Scottish Craft Butchers Roadshow

September 22, 20243 min read

I’ve just returned from an inspiring week as the keynote speaker at the Scottish Craft Butchers Roadshow, and I wanted to share two key lessons that struck me during my time away.

My insights aren't new, but sometimes it’s important to hear familiar truths from a different perspective, especially as a business owner.

My first insight I about taking action over Knowledge.

The theme of my talk was about taking your business to where you want it to be.

Many of the people in the audience had heard me speak before.

And I realised as such, that much of what I was sharing wasn’t revolutionary for them.

They already knew what they should be doing.

And yet, that’s the challenge, isn’t it?

It’s not what you know; it’s what you do that counts.

In business, we can easily get caught up in the endless pursuit of new strategies, tools, or the next “big thing” that promises to be a game-changer.

But often, it’s about putting into action what you already know.

If you’re feeling stuck, it’s not necessarily because you don’t have enough knowledge.

It’s because you haven’t taken the steps needed to move forward.

I reminded the attendees, and I’m reminding you, that progress comes from consistent action.

Whether it’s refining your customer experience, tweaking your marketing, or getting a new product off the ground, it’s the doing, not just the knowing, that will propel your business forward.

My second insight is, that the future looks bright.

What really stood out to me during the roadshow, was the number of talented young people in attendance.

It was incredibly refreshing and, if I’m honest, a bit heartwarming.

It reminded me of that classic Whitney Houston song, “I Believe the Children Are Our Future.” The lyrics go, “Teach them well and let them lead the way.”

Seeing the enthusiasm and energy in the room reminded me that the future of our industry looks bright in the hands of these young apprentices.

They’re full of new ideas, not burdened by “the way it’s always been done,” and they have a fearlessness that we could all benefit from remembering.

It’s easy to become set in our ways, especially when something has worked well for us in the past. But the next generation is coming up with fresh perspectives, and there’s a lot we can learn from them, just as much as we can teach them.

So, what can you do this week?

With these two thoughts in mind, my challenge to you is this: What’s one action you can take this week to push your business forward?

It doesn’t have to be huge or ground-breaking.

But it does have to be something.

The knowledge you have is powerful, but only if you put it into motion.

And if you’ve got some young talent in your business or even in your life, pay attention. They might just have the fresh perspective you need to see things differently and move ahead.

Have a great week.


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