Last week, I heard a gloomy statistic on BBC news: 13,000 high street shops closed last year, the majority of them independents.
A depressing headline, right?
And as if that wasn’t enough, the trade chatter across one of my WhatsApp groups was awash with negativity - doom-filled predictions and defeatist attitudes.
Honestly, if I believed all that noise, I may as well close my doors today.
But here’s the thing: I don’t.
Instead, I turned to the words of my friend and mentor, retail expert Bob Negan, who said this:
"The most successful business owners this year will be the ones who believe they will be successful."
It’s not blind optimism - it’s mindset.
A growth mindset looks for solutions, finds opportunities, and faces challenges head-on.
Yes, 2025 may well be tough.
But tough doesn’t mean impossible.
If you want to thrive in 25, start with what you believe.
Believe in you.
Believe in your business.
Believe in your team.
Believe in your success.
And then get to work proving yourself right.
Here’s to making 2025 your best year yet.
Have a great week.