Split Second Decisions

Unlock Olympic-Level Decision Making for Your Business

August 04, 20241 min read

This week, like millions of others worldwide, I’ve been wrapped up in the Paris Olympics. What I love about the Olympics is the way I’m drawn into sports that ordinarily, I’d rarely watch.

During a layover at Heathrow Airport on Wednesday, I got hooked on the Olympic BMX Freestyle Cycling.

It was a thrilling reminder of how elite athletes make the impossible look easy.

These cyclists whiz up ramps and launch into the air, performing breathtaking stunts. But what struck me most was their ability to slow down time.

Despite the split-second nature of their stunts, their calmness made it seem like they had all the time in the world.

It’s a skill you see in all great athletes.

As everything operates at a hundred miles an hour, it's like their minds turn split seconds into minutes, allowing them time to assess, process, adjust, and execute flawlessly.


And it’s the same in business.

Under pressure, you're constantly juggling multiple tasks.

Your success hinges on those split-second decisions.

Experience helps, but like athletes, these skills can be honed.

You can train and practice.

Examine your processes and make them better.

Debrief and assess past performances to identify improvements.

Employ a coach or mentor to guide you.

Use visualisation techniques.

Being a successful athlete is no coincidence.

It’s hours and hours of practice and dedication.

Discipline to do the difficult things that set them apart.

Being successful in business is no coincidence either.

It’s about the ability to know, instinctively what to do.

To turn split-second decisions into well-thought-out, measured ones.

That’s what sets you apart.

Enjoy the Olympics and remember – like those BMX riders, you too can make every second count.

Have a great week,


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