Who You Hang Around With Matters

Who You Hang Around With Truly Matters!

July 28, 20241 min read

This week I’m in Grand Rapids, Michigan where I’m attending the WhizBang Retail Success Summit, and I wanted to share some exciting insights with you.

One of the key lessons I've learned over the years is the importance of surrounding yourself with forward-thinking businesspeople.

Who you hang around with truly matters.

This summit is a perfect example of how powerful it can be to mix with other dynamic entrepreneurs and share innovative ideas.

Attending the summit allows me to take a step back from my daily operations and reset my business mindset.

It's an opportunity to open my mind to new possibilities and fresh ways of doing things.

From the latest marketing techniques to operational hacks and emerging trends, there's always something new to learn that can keep both me and my business at the top of our game.

It was at the 2019 summit that I was inspired to set up Impact, a community of positive, forward-thinking businesspeople in the UK.

Today, working with my one-to-one consultancy clients and the members of my group coaching program, the Impact Retail Success Club is truly rewarding.

Every week, I witness amazing personal and business growth within this vibrant community.

So, who are you hanging out with?

Are they pushing you to be better and to think bigger?

As you think about your journey, consider the value of having a mentor or coach.

Having someone experienced to guide you can make all the difference.

A mentor can offer guidance and support.

Helping you navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

They can give you accountability.

Keeping you on track with your goals and commitments.

They bring expertise and experience.

Something to think about today.

Have a great week.


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