Sleep in Business

Why Sleep Might Be the Missing Ingredient in Your Success

August 11, 20242 min read

As I was catching up on the latest sports news this week, I came across an interesting interview on Sky Sports.

With the EFL (English Football League) season kicking off this weekend, the discussion that caught my attention wasn’t just about tactics or fitness—it was about something much simpler, yet crucial: sleep.

The expert, who’s responsible for player nutrition and well-being, highlighted just how important sleep is for peak performance on the pitch.

And it got me thinking about how often we, as business owners, might overlook the power of a good night’s rest.

We’re all used to burning the midnight oil, juggling multiple tasks, and pushing through fatigue to get things done.

But what if the secret to those breakthrough ideas, better decision-making, and ultimately, success, lies in something as basic as sleep?

Think about it.

Just as athletes need rest to recover to perform at their best, we need sleep to recharge our bodies and our minds.

It’s during those quiet hours that our brains consolidate memories.

They solve problems.

They spark creativity.

Lack of sleep doesn’t just mean more coffee — it means reduced focus.

It means impaired judgement and slower reaction times.

In business, where decisions often need to be made in split seconds, it's a risk you can’t afford to take.

So, how can you ensure you’re getting the sleep you need to stay at the top of your game?

·      Prioritise sleep like you do your opening and closing routines: You wouldn’t skip prepping your shop before a busy day, so don’t skip prepping yourself with adequate rest.

·      Create a realistic wind-down process: After a long day of managing staff, checking stock, and serving customers, it's important to transition your mind and body from the hustle of the shop floor to relaxation. Consider setting aside a few minutes to reflect on the day’s successes and challenges—whether it's during your journey home or while shutting up your shop. This simple mental shift can help you leave the stress of the day behind, allowing you to unwind and prepare for a restful night.

·      Assess and adjust your sleep environment: From the comfort of your mattress to the temperature in your room, small changes can make a big difference, just like a clean, well-stocked display does in your shop. 

Remember, just like those football players preparing for the season, your success is built on more than just hard work—it’s about taking care of yourself, too.

So, this week, I challenge you to assess your sleep habits honestly.

Are you doing everything you can to ensure you’re getting the rest you need?

If not, perhaps it’s time to take action.

Have a restful and productive week,


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